Sterling Grinnell, YouTuber extraordinaire, got his hands on a NEO to complete the first unbiased and independent review of our new manual espresso maker. While you can watch below, here is our favorite quote.
“I was so, so, so impressed with the simplicity and ease of use. This is something that maybe you can actually squeeze into your morning routine.”
The NEO was designed just as Sterling describes it, to be a simple and affordable way to brew manual espresso in your home. Our Kickstarter, which can be found by clicking here, is currently over 2000% funded, but there’s still time to back if you’re interested!
We also understand that backing Kickstarter projects can be a bit nerve-racking. Maybe you’re worried about the quality, or if you’ll get what you really want. At Flair Espresso, we feel our record stands for itself. But, we also feel this wonderful review should put any of those fears to rest. If you are interested in the quality of The NEO, or how good of espresso it will make when it arrives on your doorstep after backing the project, then please watch below.
While we won’t spoil all the fun, we’re sure that watching this video will make your appetite for espresso go through the roof. And we certainly don’t want to make the wait for our backers harder, but if you do back The NEO Kickstarter, you can be sure you’ve got something great headed your way.
Come brew with us and back The NEO on Kickstarter today.